Project Breider

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In recent decades, many Jews in Eretz Yisrael have found their way back to Torah, an unparalleled phenomenon which has come to be known as “The Teshuvah Movement.” Baruch Hashem, we have been blessed with a new generation of baalei teshuvah.

Unfortunately, a disturbing pattern has become increasingly apparent. The children of many dedicated baalei teshuvah contend with their own set of problems. They lack traditional yeshivah background. Many live in small, out-of-town communities or largely secular Israeli cities, and may come from a low socioeconomic environment. Their neighbors and extended family are often not religious at all. The temptations of the street, and the pull to the easy, comfortable secular lifestyle around them can be overpowering, and they are not sufficiently equipped to fight it. In some ways, they share many of the challenges faced by boys from traditional homes who want to grow, but cannot do it on their own. Without a setting geared to their specific needs, they are “kids at risk.”

The year 5768 (2007-2008) was a turning point. With the guidance and encouragement of gedolei Torah, headed by Maran Rosh HaYeshivah HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, shlita, “Project Breider” was born, with the ambitious goal of providing a warm, supportive yeshivah framework for youngsters seeking to succeed as bnei Torah, despite the odds.

Over the years, we have worked with hundreds of wonderful talmidim, starting them on their way to a life of Torah. Without the Yeshivah’s support and assistance, these boys could have ended up very far afield. Building on the success of the early years, Acheinu – Yeshivah LeTze’irim continues to work its magic.

A carefully structured program gives the talmidim the tools they need to make it in the Torah world. Our hand-picked staff and one-on-one tutors understand where they come from and what they need. From year to year, we watch them stabilize and grow from struggling adolescents into confident young bnei Torah. They go on to find their place in yeshivos, and later, in kollelim throughout Eretz Yisrael. Their children – Project Breider’s grandchildren – are the next link in the chain stretching from Sinai to eternity, a beautiful fulfillment of the ancient promise, “My words… will not depart from your mouth, and from the mouths of your children, and from the mouths of your children’s children, Hashem said, from now until eternity” (Yeshayahu 59:21).

Every step of the way requires an enormous investment of both spiritual and material resources. The trials our talmidim grapple with are daunting, and to help them prevail, we provide them with “beautiful Torah, in a beautiful setting.” The aesthetic dormitory and yeshivah building, the outings and activities, and the special learning projects all play their part in achieving a priceless goal.